"Millennium Falcon - Smugglers Run" marks the 51st installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. It was first shown on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on August 27, 2020. This episode drew inspiration, in a loose way, from the Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run attraction found at the Star Wars_: Galaxy's Edge.
At Black Spire Outpost, Hondo Ohnaka, along with Chewbacca, enlists a trio of human pilots for the Millennium Falcon. This trio consists of a young male with dark hair, accompanied by two females, one with orange hair and the other with brown hair. Hondo announces the existence of his company, known as Ohnaka Transport Solutions. He informs them that he requires a flight crew to assist in acquiring some valuable goods. Hondo then questions their willingness to accept the challenge, to which the boy responds by scratching the back of his head.

Hondo informs the assembled flight crew that Chewbacca has "generously" offered the use of his vessel. The three youngsters make preparations for the Falcon's departure, with the orange-haired girl and the dark-haired boy taking on the roles of pilot and co-pilot, respectively. Despite Hondo's warning against causing any damage to the ship's paint, the crew ends up scraping the Falcon against a structure. Subsequently, the youths propel the Falcon into hyperspace.
They journey to a world that functions as a spaceport for First Order Star Destroyers. While flying past a Star Destroyer, the youths notice a hovertrain speeding across a bridge. Utilizing the Falcon's deployable cables, they hoist a carriage containing the desired merchandise, which earns them praise from Hondo via the comlink.
Not long after, they find themselves being pursued by a trio of TIE/fo space superiority fighters. The brown-haired girl rushes to the rear gunnery station and begins to engage the pursuing TIE fighters. Meanwhile, in the cockpit, the orange-haired girl executes evasive maneuvers, swinging the crate into one of the TIE fighters, causing it to crash into a building and explode. Hondo expresses his amusement over the comlink with laughter.
The flight crew pilots the Falcon back to Black Spire Outpost. Hondo commends them for returning the Falcon intact. However, one of the landing struts malfunctions, causing the ship to lean to its left side. Chewbacca lets out a roar and raises his arms in frustration. Hondo attempts to reassure the Wookiee, saying, "It's really not so bad."