Mind Walking

Mind Walking was the process by which Mind Walkers would enter and then exist within the dimension known as "beyond shadows." This technique involved a particular form of meditation, allowing their minds to venture into beyond shadows while their physical bodies remained behind. Jacen Solo acquired this ability during his five-year journey after the Yuuzhan Vong War, and several years later, Luke and Ben Skywalker also learned it. They were following Solo's path to understand the reasons behind his descent to the dark side. Shortly thereafter, in 44 ABY, the Skywalkers formed an alliance with the Lost Tribe of Sith for a mission with the goal of destroying Abeloth. After journeying to Abeloth's homeworld located in the Maw, the Skywalkers, accompanied by Sith High Lord Sarasu Taalon, Sith Saber Gavar Khai, and Captain Leeha Faal, used Mind Walking to enter beyond shadows in an effort to find Abeloth. Skywalker would utilize Mind Walking on one further occasion in an attempt to defeat Abeloth. Furthermore, Darth Krayt joined Luke in this state, allying with him to combine their strength and overcome Abeloth.

