Mish Paht

Lieutenant Mish Paht, a Bothan male, served the Thaereian military during the Clone Wars era. Circa 21 BBY, Paht commanded a Thaereian military unit dispatched to the world of Genarius. Their mission: to retrieve proof of a deadly virus targeting the Caarite people, engineered by the Believers Sith cult. Inside the S-Ipsus factory complex on Genarius, Paht and his soldiers confronted a group of independent contractors who had already secured a sample of the pathogen. Paht's attempt to seize the viral specimen for the Thaereian military was thwarted by the freelancers, resulting in his defeat and failure to acquire the sample.


A male Bothan, Mish Paht held the rank of lieutenant within the Thaereian military. This military force belonged to the Thaereian system, and Paht served during the period known as the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, the Metatheran Cartel discovered a secret laboratory used by the Believers Sith cult on the planet Genarius. This lab was dedicated to refining a virus specifically designed to be lethal to the Caarite species. Upon hearing of this discovery, Paht resolved to obtain evidence of the Believers' activities in order to elevate his position within the Thaereian military.

Consequently, Paht led a Thaereian patrol to S-Ipsus, a manufacturing facility located on Genarius that housed the Believer laboratory. The stated purpose of Paht and his unit was to investigate the virus, acting under the authority granted to the Thaereian military by the Galactic Republic as protectors of the Cularin system. However, the Thaereians' presence at S-Ipsus was, in reality, illegal. The facility was the private property of the Naescorcom conglomerate, placing it outside of Thaereian jurisdiction – a fact fully known to Paht. For protection against the virus, Paht wore an EVA suit displaying the Thaereian military insignia. Paht and his soldiers infiltrated a thermal detonator production line within S-Ipsus, beneath which the Believer laboratory was situated. There, they encountered a team of freelance agents investigating the cultists' operations. The freelancers had already secured a live sample of the virus and captured the Believer Canduri. Paht accused the freelancers of trespassing on Naescorcom property, intending to use this accusation as grounds to arrest them and seize Canduri. He also claimed that S-Ipsus was unsafe for the operatives, while refusing to disclose his knowledge of the Believers' activities. The situation escalated into a firefight, resulting in the defeat of Paht and his unit by the freelance agents, who then escaped with their Believer prisoner.

Following this incident, the Thaereian military attempted to distance itself from Paht's unlawful actions on Genarius. The Bothan officer was accused of firing upon innocent civilians on private property and was removed from active duty pending trial. The Thaereian military issued a public statement on the HoloNet, apologizing to the people of the Cularin system for Paht's offenses and asserting that he had acted without authorization.

Personality and traits

Mish Paht possessed a strong ambition and believed he was destined for great advancement within the Thaereian military. His nature was corrupt and antagonistic, and he was willing to resort to violence to further his career. Paht's arrogance ultimately led to his overreach during the investigation of the Believers' presence on Genarius, driven by his desire to obtain evidence of the anti-Caarite virus at any cost.

Behind the scenes

Morrie Mullins conceived Mish Paht as a non-player character for Open Aarms, a 2003 Star Wars Legends roleplaying game module. It was part of the Metatheran Caution trilogy within RPGA's Living Force campaign.

The roleplaying adventure casts the players as the freelance agents who encounter Paht on Genarius, and this encounter can unfold in various ways. If any player characters possess restricted weapons, Paht demands to see a permit. He offers to overlook the agents' possession of unauthorized weapons if they surrender them to him. However, the players can attempt to bribe Paht or otherwise persuade him to allow them to keep any illegal weapons. If the player characters inform Paht that he lacks the authority to arrest them on S-Ipsus, he will cease his attempts to detain them but will continue to demand that they relinquish Canduri and any other evidence they have gathered regarding the anti-Caarite virus to the Thaereians.

The encounter between Paht and the player characters can potentially be resolved peacefully, with the freelancers handing over Canduri or convincing Paht to let them leave without interference. If the player characters deceive Paht and he realizes they are lying, he orders his troops to open fire on them. In this scenario, Paht can be defeated or killed. Subsequently, if Paht and his troops initiated the attack on the freelance agents, the Bothan officer will be reprimanded by the Thaereian military, and a public apology will be issued for his actions.

