Mission in the Dellalt system

The Dellalt System Mission involved Keyan Farlander, a Rebel pilot, undertaking a reconnaissance operation within the Dellalt system. This mission led to his discovery of the emergence of Operation Strike Fear.


In the course of a raid intended to destroy, the Alliance forces successfully captured the Imperial corvette Bixby. Captain Nogdra of the Bixby provided crucial information regarding an Imperial meeting location close to Dellalt, which was related to a significant offensive known as Operation Strike Fear.


Farlander was chosen to execute a reconnaissance mission, piloting a solitary R-22 Spearhead. As he navigated through the star system, he verified the existence of a substantial Imperial fleet, spearheaded by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer called the Invincible. Leveraging the velocity of this advanced starfighter, he successfully discerned the ID profiles of each starship while avoiding detection.


Having been alerted to the Imperial fleet's presence in the sector, the Alliance High Command issued directives for the evacuation of the Rebel base located on Brigia.

