Mission to Kejim

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the pair of Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors embarked on an assignment to the planet known as Kejim under the direction of the New Republic.


Information obtained by the New Republic indicated a peculiar communication containing key phrases such as "Reborn" and "Valley of the Jedi" originating from a supposedly deserted Imperial base situated on Kejim. It was suspected that this transmission was intended for Galak Fyyar, a scientist associated with the Imperial Remnant.

Mon Mothma, the Chief of State for the New Republic, dispatched the mercenaries Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors on a secret undertaking to investigate the aforementioned base.

The mission

Following their landing, Katarn and Ors eliminated the Imperial forces guarding the perimeter of the base. Subsequently, Katarn activated a laser turret and employed it to breach the sealed entrance. After successfully entering the base, Ors stationed herself in the control room to sift through the computer database for valuable data. Meanwhile, Katarn explored each of the base's three sections, eliminating every Imperial soldier he came across. At one juncture, when he summoned Ors to assist him in deciphering a code in another section, she came under attack and was pinned down by Imperial forces until he returned just in time to rescue her. Katarn acquired three distinct Imperial codes and utilized them to unlock another door that led deeper into the base.

While Ors readied the Raven's Claw for departure, Katarn persisted in exploring the base, destroying all Imperial forces he encountered. Katarn eventually discovered that the Empire Reborn was utilizing the base as a laboratory specifically for testing Artusian crystalsForce-sensitive objects. By the time the two mercenaries departed from the planet, they had inflicted considerable damage to the Imperial Remnant's operations on Kejim.


Upon their return to Coruscant, Katarn and Ors presented their findings to Mon Mothma, who continued to employ their services to locate the origin of the crystals on Artus Prime. Simultaneously, a security camera on Kejim captured an image of Katarn, which was then sent to Galak Fyyar. Fyyar, in turn, informed Desann about the incident on Kejim, who commented that the "setback" they had experienced might hold the key to resolving their problems.

Behind the scenes

The mission is featured in the 2002 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. If the player listens to one of the conversations between the stormtroopers on Artus Prime, a stormtrooper mentions that he came from Kejim, and is being transferred to Cairn Installation.

The final appearance of the "traveling stormtrooper" occurs at Cairn Installation, where he tells a comrade that he arrived from Artus Prime. In that dialogue, it is mentioned that a Jedi (Kyle Katarn) killed nearly everyone in Kejim. Given that Katarn had not yet reestablished his connection with the Force nor possessed a lightsaber at that point, this is likely an in-game rumor circulating among the stormtroopers, or simply a continuity error.

