Empire Reborn campaign

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire Reborn engaged in a military campaign against both the New Jedi Order and the New Republic.

Historical Context


Lord Hethrir established the Empire Reborn as a splinter faction originating from the Imperial Remnant, while Imperial Admiral Galak Fyyar was reinforcing Remnant forces within the Outer Rim. Fyyar formed an alliance with Desann, a Chistori and renegade Dark Jedi, with the shared objective of obliterating the New Jedi Order. Desann had previously been a novice within the New Jedi Order, but Luke Skywalker expelled him from the Jedi Praxeum due to his inclination towards violence.

Hethrir assigned Desann the task of training several members of his Empire Youths: Force-sensitive individuals who demonstrated loyalty to the Empire Reborn and had undergone "purification" by the extradimensional entity known as Waru. Desann chose one of the Youths, Tavion Axmis, to be his apprentice.

The Reborn Emergence

In a potentially connected event, Star Destroyers that had been abandoned near the Endor system were being scavenged for armor, shield generators, and power cores. This discovery was made by a New Republic contractor who arrived later for the same purpose. Although the security chief on Bakura did not speculate about who was doing the salvaging, it is possible that the components were intended for the Remnant/Reborn forces, as the New Republic Intelligence Service classified the report alongside other relevant information.

Furthermore, Desann enlisted the services of Reelo Baruk, a former gangster turned businessman, to seize control of the carbonite freezing chambers located on Bespin. Lando Calrissian lodged a formal complaint with the Senate regarding criminal syndicate activities within Cloud City.

Another incident that raised concerns occurred when a cargo ship en route to Belsavis stopped to refuel on Nar Shaddaa, and its cargo of DXR-6 disruptor rifles vanished. The N.R.I. was perplexed by the ship's mission, the identity of the thieves, and the absence of any official complaints.

In addition to training those with natural talent, Desann conducted experiments to imbue Force-weak Human Empire Youths with dark side abilities, utilizing Artusian crystals and ancient Sith alchemical knowledge. A substantial deposit of these crystals was reportedly discovered by the mining facility on Artus Prime. Fyyar deployed Imperial forces to seize the facility in order to acquire the Force-sensitive Artusian crystals. Most of the miners were imprisoned, while others were transported to Kejim. The Remnant also intercepted the Republic ship that was dispatched to Artus Prime.

The Imperial Remnant also refurbished the abandoned Kejim Outpost, which they used as a laboratory for conducting experiments on the crystals and the captured miners as test subjects. Their ultimate goal was to artificially imbue select stormtroopers with the Force, resulting in the creation of the Reborn. Commander Stavan commanded the outpost under Fyyar's direct orders. The Reborn established a recruiting station on Tatooine under the direction of Kejim, although they were given limited information.

The Rerborn's takeover of Bespin was edging closer as the company of Reelo Baruk won a contract to handle garbage hauling and disposal for all of Cloud City. His actual role was supplying the Empire Reborn with cortosis and thugs for a takeover of the carbonite freezing chambers.

The Cairn Installation housed cortosis-processing facilities for shadowtroopers, and dropships which Fyyar intended to use in an assault against the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.

Unraveling the Plot

In 12 ABY, Rogue Squadron became suspicious after spotting a Sentinel-class landing craft near Cairn and initiated an investigation into the activities of Admiral Horrsk's within the Deep Core, while also requesting a list of unaccounted _Sentinel_s and their known owners.

An agent stationed on Honoghr alerted the New Republic to Fyyar's operations within the Remnant. Simultaneously, independent operative Kyle Katarn conducted a raid on the Tatooine facility on behalf of the New Republic; he left only one survivor, who later revealed all the information about Kejim to NRIS Captain Hantor Loftus.

Tavion Axmis's presence in the Lenico system piqued the interest of Skywalker and a team from the Praxeum, who had heard rumors of a woman exploiting Force powers for criminal gain; Skywalker did not make a connection but thought she might be recruited for his academy.

Following Calrissian's ambiguous reports regarding Cloud City, the Senator of Varonat relayed the unusual details to NRIS, which dispatched an agent to Bespin. The investigator found no evidence of any disturbances but was suspicious about Calrissian's connections. Shortly afterward, information surfaced from Hutt Space about Reelo Baruk's company striking a deal with Cloud City. The Intelligence found it curious, not only because of Baruk's criminal past, but also because the City never required garbage hauling before, as it was used for fuel.

The loss of contact from Artus Prime also made the Senator of Bilbringi request a supply ship to be sent with a communications crew. The ship disappeared when reaching the Outer Rim and never returned.

A faint signal originating from the supposedly defunct Kejim Outpost was intercepted by the NRIS communications team. Despite numerous attempts to decode it, the team was only able to determine that it was intended for Fyyar, confirming that the Outpost was indeed being used by the Remnant. Mon Mothma requested that Katarn and Jan Ors be contacted and briefed personally. The interrogated Reborn from Tatooine also mentioned Kejim as the origin of his orders. Eventually, decoded messages from Kejim to Fyyar made mention of the Valley of the Jedi.

Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors were then sent to Kejim by Mon Mothma to investigate the information. They arrived on the Raven's Claw, and while Ors remained in the control room to search the computer database for useful information, Katarn explored all three sections of the base and wiped out all the Imperial forces he encountered. Eventually he discovered that the base was used by the Empire Reborn as a laboratory for testing Artusian crystals. In the meantime, Fyyar and Desann discovered what happened, and Katarn's presence, through a security camera.

A shootout between several prisoners and stormtroopers in the Battle of Artus Prime.

The pair then were sent to Artus Prime to confirm the mining of crystals. Katarn found himself in the Battle of Artus Prime where he released the prisoners from their cells, disabled the defenses to allow them escape, and the New Republic fleet to enter the system to evacuate them. The Claw also arrived, allowing Dessan and his apprentice Tavion Axmis to capture Ors. Katarn confronted the Dark Jedi who easily defeated him, and staged Ors's execution, then left leaving Katarn behind. The Republic fleet reclaimed the mining colony after bombarding it.

Axmis and Desann, traveling to the Valley of the Jedi.

However Ors's execution was only a pretext in order to tempt Katarn, and while he thought her dead, she was held captive in the Doomgiver. Seeking revenge, Katarn traveled to Ruusan to reclaim his force powers from the Valley of the Jedi and avenge her; only to reveal its location to Desann, and empower the crystals with the forces of the Force nexus. Luke Skywalker managed to scatter Desann and his troops, and Rogue Squadron chased away the Reborn ships. Skywalker eventually traced Desann to the Cairn Installation.

Personal Vendetta

Driven by a burning desire for vengeance, Katarn returned to Nar Shaddaa in search of information about Desann. He uncovered Reelo Baruk's involvement and also freed Lando Calrissian and Lady Luck from Baruk's captivity. After escaping, Katarn agreed to accompany Calrissian to Cloud City, which had been occupied by forces of the Empire Reborn and Baruk's henchmen, hoping to find more clues to Desann's whereabouts.

A Bespin Wing Guard during the battle.

The Lady infiltrated the undercity and it was where Katarn first met and duelled with a Reborn Dark Jedi. The Bespin Wing Guards destroyed all of Reelo's thugs in the lower levels and then forced all Remnant forces out of the city. There Katarn met second time Jan's murderer, Tavion, whom he defeated; just then she revealed that she pretended to kill Kyle's partner in order to make him return to Ruusan; Ors was alive on Fyyar's ship, the Doomgiver in the Lenico Belt.

Luke Skywalker confronts Desann

Katarn boarded an automated carrier to go to Cairn where the Doomgiver was docked and found Skywalker there looking for Desann. Together they infiltrated the facility before splitting. Katarn managed to sneak aboard the Doomgiver just as it was leaving. At the same time Skywalker fought a fierce duel against Desann, until the Dark Jedi buried Skywalker under rubble, and fled onto the Doomgiver. However, Skywalker had managed to evade the rubble and could only watch the Doomgiver launch.

Final Showdown on Yavin

The Doomgiver destroyed above Yavin.

Carrying an invading force composed of Reborn Dark Jedi and shadowtroopers, the ship headed for the Yavin system in order to destroy the Jedi Praxeum. On board, Katarn alerted Rogue Squadron. While the imperial Strike Forces invaded the planet and stormed the Jedi Praxeum, Katarn proceeded with the rescue of Jan Ors, and eventually a confrontation with Galak Fyyar, operating a mechanical cortosis suit. The duel resulted in Fyyar's cortosis suit exploding, killing him, and Katarn disabling the Doomgiver's shields. With the shields down, Rogue Squadron was easily able to destroy the Doomgiver after Kyle and Jan escaped in escape pods. The New Republic infantry managed to defeat the forces that had time to land, although the Reborn managed to reach the Temple, engaging against the Jedi, both trainers and initiates.

Katarn hunted Desann throughout the Praxeum and the Temple's underground tunnels. Once more Desann tried to corrupt Katarn, who in turn invited him to redeem himself and return to the Order. Both rejecting each other, they duelled; all the while New the Republic infantry and the Jedi managed to rout the remaining stormtroopers and Reborn, Katarn also emerged victorious from the duel. The battle clearly lost and with their leaders dead, the surviving Reborn forces surrendered.

Behind the Curtains

The Empire Reborn campaign makes its initial appearance in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast demo, where Katarn and Ors encounter Reborn forces within a base on Alzoc III. However, certain elements within that demo create continuity issues, such as Katarn's possession of a lightsaber and Force powers, as well as Ors's presence, making it challenging to place that mission within the overall timeline of the campaign.

