Mission to Retta

A mission targeting the planet Retta was undertaken by the Confederacy of Independent Systems circa 20 BBY within the timeframe of the Clone Wars. Under the leadership of General Flebek, the Separatist forces aimed to uncover a speculated secret regarding invisibility. Jedi Grand Master Yoda and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to thwart their efforts. Following the Jedi's discovery that the source of invisibility was the power held by the Segredo Kreeda, they formulated a strategy to impede the Separatists and safeguard the individuals under the Kreeda's protection.

Soon thereafter, Skywalker, donned in a cloaking cap - a deceptive cloaking device disguised as a Kyuzo war shield - was overheard by Flebek as he asserted its ability to render him unseen. Upon locating Skywalker, Flebek expressed surprise at his continued visibility. However, unbeknownst to her, Yoda had neutralized her battle droids from behind. Skywalker then manipulated Flebek into believing the droids had vanished, igniting his lightsaber and implying his own capability to replicate the effect. This led Flebek to conclude the entire situation was a Jedi deception, prompting her to command her forces to evacuate Retta.

