Flebek, a Meftian female, held the rank of general within the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. Around the year 20 BBY, Count Dooku, the Head of State of the Confederacy, dispatched her to the planet of Retta with a specific objective: to discover the secret behind the invisibility techniques employed by the Segredo Kreeda. However, her mission was disrupted by the intervention of the Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Yoda. Through deception, the Jedi convinced Flebek that the secret was merely a Jedi trick, ultimately compelling her to abandon her mission and flee the planet.

During the Clone Wars, Flebek, a Meftian female general, served the Confederacy of Independent Systems' military. The Dark Lord of the Sith and Confederacy's Head of State, Count Dooku, tasked her with a mission to uncover a hidden secret on the planet of Retta, located in Wild Space, around 20 BBY. To achieve this, she deployed B1-series battle droids onto the planet's surface. An OOM command battle droid then contacted Flebek via a holoprojector, reporting that the jungle they were scouting showed no signs of sentient life. Flebek, reminding the battle droid that the Confederacy's objective must be found, ordered the commander to continue the search and ended the transmission. The commander, noticing the general's impatience, relayed the order to continue the search to the battle droids.
Soon after, the Jedi overheard a battle droid reporting lightsaber damage to Flebek, which led her to believe that there were individuals on the planet. Subsequently, Flebek overheard Skywalker, who was wearing a cloaking cap – a fake cloaking device that was actually a Kyuzo war shield – claiming it was making him invisible. Deceived by this trick, Flebek chased after Skywalker, only to be surprised when he didn't disappear. Meanwhile, Yoda discreetly eliminated Flebek's battle droids, but Skywalker led the Separatist general to believe that the droids had simply vanished. Skywalker then ignited his lightsaber and jokingly suggested to Flebek that he could make her disappear as well. Upon receiving a comlink message requesting a situation report, she aborted the mission, convinced that the secret was a Jedi ruse, and promptly fled the planet.
Flebek was a Meftian female characterized by white skin and grey eyes. She was known to issue orders to the battle droids under her command and had a reputation for being snappy. After being tricked by the Jedi, she became fearful for her safety and retreated from the planet, an act that Skywalker considered cowardly.
Flebek's attire consisted of a black and red outfit, complemented by black boots, grey belt, and pants. She also sported a red and black cape. Her equipment included a blaster pistol and a comlink.
Flebek's character made an appearance in the comic titled "Hide and Seek," which was featured in the twentieth issue of the Star Wars Adventures anthology comic series. The comic's story was penned by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by Derek Charm, and it was released on April 17, 2019.