The operation known as the Mission to Sorin's Star Destroyer involved a squad of Rebel operatives endeavoring to stop General Sorin's Star Destroyer from making its way to the planet called Ison.
After the events that transpired during the Battle of Hoth, General Sorin of the Imperial Army received orders to pursue the remaining Rebel forces who were left behind on the world of Hoth. A solitary squad was successful in repelling Sorin's troops and managed to flee the planet aboard a shuttle that they had taken from Sorin. The fleeing Rebel squad sought refuge in Haven, a village located on the planet Ison, but Sorin managed to track their movements. Mistakenly believing the undefended village was the main Rebel base, Sorin made preparations to depart from Hoth and jump to Ison.
Upon discovering an Imperial transceiver within the stolen shuttle, the Rebels learned of Sorin's plans to launch an assault on Haven. The group then piloted their stolen shuttle back to Hoth and made their way to Echo Base. The squad utilized the still-operational V-150 Planet Defender ion cannon in an attempt to obliterate Sorin's Star Destroyer before it could depart for Haven. While they did manage to strike the Star Destroyer, it only resulted in the temporary disabling of its shields. With the shields temporarily offline, the squad swiftly boarded their shuttle and made a flight towards the Star Destroyer. They entered through an exposed launch bay, crashing onto the hangar floor. Despite their successful boarding of the Star Destroyer, the group's efforts were in vain as the ship had already initiated its jump to hyperspace.