Monster Misunderstanding

title: "Monster Misunderstanding"

The tenth episode of the animated micro-series Star Wars Forces of Destiny, entitled "Monster Misunderstanding," belongs to the second season of the show. It was made available to the public on May 4, 2018.

Official description

When Queen Amidala intervenes in the activities of poachers who are trying to abduct the infant of a Sando Aqua monster, she assists in resolving the enigma of why the creature is assaulting Naboo's docks.

Plot summary

A female Sando aqua monster is currently attacking the Royal boathouse, which is located on the docks of Theed. Using blasters, three Naboo Palace Guards attempt to push back the sando aqua monster, but the creature returns for a subsequent assault. Her tough hide deflects their blaster bolts. The royal boathouse remains under attack by the creature.

Padmé Amidala, the Queen, arrives aboard a shuttle. Despite being informed by two of the guards that it is unsafe, Amidala inquires about how they are managing this type of attack. The dark-skinned Palace Guard responds that they are unsure of how to proceed because the creature seldom ventures ashore. Realizing that the creature's appearance is motivated by a particular cause, Amidala makes the decision to look into it. As the creature continues its siege outside, she and the guards make their way into the boathouse. They discover a baby sando aqua monster locked inside a cage being raised by two poachers within the boathouse. Amidala fires at the ropes that are holding the cage in place, which causes it to collapse and set the baby sando free.

Queen Amidala instructs the guards to release the infant sando so that it can return to its mother and to take the poachers into custody. The dark-skinned guard unlocks the gates, allowing the infant sando to be reunited with its mother. The mother and baby sando then swim away together. The head guard offers Amidala an apology for failing to comprehend the situation. Amidala replies that it is acceptable because the most effective solution is occasionally not the most apparent.


