
Nabu held a position of great importance as a deity for the Grizmallti, who were human people residing on the planet of Grizmallt. Around the year 4000 BBY, the Grizmallti came across a planet located in the Mid Rim Territories, and they decided to name it after their revered Nabu. Almost a century subsequently, the Grizmallti initiated a colonized effort on Nabu, and over time the planet's designation gradually evolved into "Naboo".

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Nabu can be found within Nexus of Power, a 2016 publication by Fantasy Flight Games that serves as a resource for the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game.


  • Nexus of Power (Initial Mention)
  • " Naboo " — Star Wars Encyclopedia (Only an implied reference)

Notes and references
