Najeema Boddee

Najeema Boddee, a Gungan male native to Naboo, relocated to Tinnel IV with his family. While growing up, he befriended Jothan Tiaan Jerjerrod, a human, and they became close companions. Subsequently, Jax Jerjerrod arranged for him and his family to return to their homeworld.

Not long before a mission was launched to the planet Vodran, Dec Hansen, a Resistance trainee from Ques with xenophobic tendencies, made disparaging remarks to Jerjerrod about his use of Gunganese, asserting that Gungans lacked intelligence. Jerjerrod defended the species, emphasizing that his closest friend, Boddee, a Gungan, was far superior to Hansen and even more so than AG-90, Hansen's droid companion whom he considered a "brother."

Behind the scenes

Join the Resistance marked the initial reference to Najeema Boddee. Later, in Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base, he was identified as Najeema Bodde.

