The Nakrikal Singularity was a black hole situated within the Grumani sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. It had an impact on the navigation computers of starships traversing the nearby Sanrafsix Corridor hyperlane. Back in 1032 BBY, the Sith Lord known as Arkadia Calimondra made an attempt to eliminate the mercenary transport called the Diligence. She did this by providing the vessel's commander, Brigadier Jarrow Rusher, with hyperspace coordinates that would unknowingly guide his ship straight into the Nakrikal Singularity.
The Grumani sector, a region belonging to the Trailing Sectors area of the Outer Rim Territories, was the location of the Nakrikal Singularity, which was a black hole. It could be found to the galactic west of the Sanrafsix Corridor hyperlane.
According to a cartographical study and field report put together by Jedi Master Vannar Treece around 1032 BBY, the Nakrikal Singularity exerted a pull on the very fabric of hyperspace. The report also detailed instances where the black hole disrupted the function of navigation computers on board starships that were traveling along the Sanrafsix Corridor.

While making preparations for Operation Influx, a raid conducted by the Jedi in the Grumani sector in 1032 BBY, Vannar Treece made plans for the Jedi team to steer clear of the portion of the sector containing the Nakrikal Singularity because of the hazard the black hole presented.
In that same year, after the mercenary transport Diligence, under the command of Brigadier Jarrow Rusher, made its arrival on the planet Syned, the capital of Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra, Calimondra gave Rusher some hyperspace coordinates. Calimondra stated that the navigational information would guide the mercenaries' ship away from her territory, the Arkadianate.
However, since the Sith Lord had intentions of getting rid of the mercenaries, the coordinates were actually designed to make the Diligence fall into the Nakrikal Singularity, which would result in the death of all those aboard the ship. The Diligence ended up using a different set of hyperspace coordinates instead, these were provided to Rusher by the Bothan spy Narsk Ka'hane, and they led to space under the control of the Galactic Republic.
The Nakrikal Singularity was initially mentioned in Essential Atlas Extra: The Knight Errant Gazetteer, which was a article from 2010 that was co-written by Daniel Wallace, Jason Fry, and John Jackson Miller. This article served as a supplement to the 2009 reference book titled The Essential Atlas. The Online Companion for the Atlas indicated that the black hole was located in grid square N-17.