Namuura Din held a position as a commander within the ranks of the Imperial Navy, serving as one of the primary officers under Admiral Demetrius Zaarin. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, he followed Zaarin in his secession from the Galactic Empire, joining the newly established military force. After discovering Emperor Palpatine's strategic endeavors targeting the Rebel Alliance at Endor, and the Death Star II superweapon's complete operational readiness, Din chose to betray his allegiance and offer the Alliance both this crucial intelligence and a Missile Boat. Meeting with the Rebel cruiser Link at a designated location aboard his flagship, the Zeplin, he successfully transferred the information and the vessel. However, Imperial forces then ambushed the starships, leading to the capture of the Zeplin with Din still onboard. Subsequently, he was interrogated by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, to whom he revealed his knowledge.

During the Imperial Era, Namuura Din served as a commander in the Imperial Navy. He was a key subordinate of Admiral Demetrius Zaarin, utilizing the Victory-class Star Destroyer Zeplin as his command ship. As the Galactic Civil War raged between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Din sided with Zaarin when the admiral rebelled against the Empire and established his own military organization to wage war against it.
An Imperial informant reported that Zaarin and his high-ranking officers were privy to Emperor Palpatine's strategic intentions regarding the Alliance at the Endor moon, as well as the fully operational status of the Death Star II superweapon. Having received this information via Zaarin, Din resolved to betray him and defect to the Alliance. His intention was to provide them with this knowledge, and to supply them with one of the few Missile Boats under the admiral's control. In 3 ABY, the Zeplin, with Din aboard, ventured deep into the Emperor's territory, close to the planet Coruscant, during a battle between Zaarin's military forces and the Empire. The Zeplin remained for a short duration before engaging its hyperspace drive.
Following the aforementioned battle, the Zeplin rendezvoused with the Rebel cruiser Link at a predetermined location. This was to allow Din to transfer the intelligence and the Missile Boat to the Rebel officer in command. Despite the success of the exchange, the Zeplin was ambushed by Imperial military units consisting of Assault Gunboats and the Star Destroyer Garrett, commanded by the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Shortly afterward, the Link successfully escaped with both the Missile Boat and the intelligence. As the Victory-class Star Destroyer attempted to retaliate, the gunboats' ion cannons disabled it. Troop transports launched from the Garrett then boarded the vessel, leading to the capture of both the ship and Din.
In the aftermath of the conflict, the Zeplin was transported to an Imperial dockyard for examination by Imperial Intelligence. Meanwhile, Vader interrogated Din, who revealed both the information he had learned from Zaarin and what the Rebels had received to the Sith Lord. Consequently, the Empire thwarted the Link's attempt to reach Alliance High Command and retrieved the stolen Missile Boat.
Namuura Din was a character created for "Enemies of the Empire," an expansion pack released by Totally Games in 1994 for their video game Star Wars: TIE Fighter. This expansion was later included in the game's Collector's CD-ROM in 1995. Din was also mentioned in Prima Games' 1996 strategy guide for the game. On one occasion, the guide erroneously spelled the character's first name as "Namurra." The guide also claimed that the Empire suspected Din had acquired information about the Death Star from the Bothans, a humanoid species, contradicting TIE Fighter's earlier assertion that he had learned it from Zaarin. This article adheres to the game's version of events.