Naq Med was a male human who possessed Force-sensitivity. He underwent training as a Padawan within the Jedi Order, learning the ways of the Force under the guidance of a Jedi Master. Before the Clone Wars began, he chose to depart from the Order and forge his own destiny. In this period, he encountered a woman, and they eventually had a daughter named J'Hara. Later, Med became aware of Order 66 and accepted Emperor Palpatine's reports regarding a supposed Jedi uprising, believing them to be true. During the Galactic Empire's rule, he was located by the Grand Inquisitor, whom he engaged in combat, even managing to break the Inquisitor's lightsaber. Med survived this encounter and escaped to Pam'ba, where he lived out the remainder of his days.
In the New Republic Era, Karr Nuq Sin, his great-grandson, visited Med. He passed away with the knowledge that he had kept his family safe and that the Jedi were no longer being hunted down. Following his death, Sin acquired Med's lightsaber and Jedi robes. Inspired by his great-grandfather's legacy, Sin became a Force collector, dedicated to gathering artifacts and preserving, sharing, and remembering the stories of the Jedi.