
Pam'ba, situated in the Mid Rim of the galaxy, was a planet largely characterized by warm swampland. Prior to being mostly deserted approximately a century before the [New Republic Era](/article/new_republic_era], it functioned as a phosphate mining location. The planet became the refuge of Naq Med, a former Jedi Padawan, who sought to evade the Imperial Inquisitorius following the Great Jedi Purge. Karr Nuq Sin, Med's great-grandson, eventually followed his ancestral trail to Pam'ba, where the two encountered each other at Med's residence.


Located in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, close to Wild Space at grid square H-15 on the [Standard Galactic Grid](/article/standard_galactic_grid], Pam'ba was a terrestrial planet blanketed by [warm](/article/temperature], marshy grasslands. Viewed from orbit, Pam'ba presented as a sizable, spherical world featuring a limited number of blue oceans divided by sandy savannas and extensive marshes. The planet's equatorial region displayed a vibrant green hue, indicative of jungles or rainforests. Additionally, Pam'ba possessed frigid, gray mountains bordered by snowy areas. The atmosphere on Pam'ba was suitable for breathing by both humans and Mirialan hybrids.

The marshes of Pam'ba were inhabited by various non-sentient species, including diminutive, long-legged birds and thick-hided creatures with elongated snouts. The marshlands also teemed with numerous bugs, some of which were known to bite, sting, or extract blood.


For a few decades, Pam'ba functioned as the site of several phosphate mines. The mines were eventually shut down due to the harsh environment, leading to the planet's general abandonment. After the Clone Wars and the commencement of the Great Jedi Purge, [Naq Med](/article/naq_med], a former Jedi Padawan, left his family and sought refuge on the deserted planet, intending to safeguard his daughter, J'Hara. Med maintained communication with J'Hara from Pam'ba until the New Republic Era, almost one hundred and fifty years after the planet had been deserted.

During the New Republic Era, J'Hara left a message after her death for her grandson, Karr Nuq Sin, informing the young human about their family's background and providing directions to Med's dwelling on Pam'ba. Sin, accompanied by his companions Maize Raynshi and RZ-7, journeyed to Pam'ba aboard the yacht Avadora. Upon arrival, they landed the Avadora near the remnants of a mining office and proceeded on foot through the marshlands. Upon discovering Med's house, Sin found the former Jedi still alive, and the two exchanged their life stories before Med passed away peacefully (died). As Sin, Raynshi, and RZ-7 departed from Pam'ba, they set the house ablaze (burned), completely erasing any evidence of its existence.

Behind the scenes

Pam'ba made its initial appearance in the young adult novel Force Collector, penned by Kevin Shinick and released in 2019.

