The nashtah, alternatively referred to as a Dravian hound, was a predatory reptilian species with six limbs that originated from the mountainous regions of Dra III.
These clever and savage pack predators were unique as the only creatures from their planet ever successfully domesticated. Possessing diamond-hard teeth and claws, they were capable of excavating prey from basalt rock formations. Their saliva and barbed tails contained a venom that served as a tracking mechanism, enabling them to relentlessly pursue their victims for up to a month following initial contact. Their coloration varied across a spectrum from dark brown to green.
A group of nashtahs hunting an eopie.
In their natural habitat, nashtahs frequently triumphed over creatures that were larger, faster, or more aggressive, using their superior intelligence and endurance. Initial survey teams sent to Dra III were annihilated by the planet's indigenous wildlife. However, one team eventually managed to escape, bringing with them several deceased nashtahs, which subsequently led to the species becoming the most extensively studied organism from that planet. Despite their tendency to attack their owners, certain notorious criminals employed Dravian hounds as guard animals.
The slavers Magg and Zlarb utilized nashtahs in their slave-trading operations, including one that took place on Lur. Shotarr Kass, a Tunroth, kept a nashtah as a pet, naming it "Klirun." Platt Okeefe possessed a throne made from nashtah skin aboard her vessel, the Last Chance.
During her tenure as a Jedi, Aurra Sing was given the moniker "Nashtah" by the Dark Woman.
While scouting Dra III for the Old Republic, scout Barosa Warren sustained an injury to his right arm from a nashtah, which resulted in a lasting scar.
Suroc acquired a nashtah on Andasala.