Neebo was a Jedi Master within the Jedi Order, serving during the declining decades of the Galactic Republic. Kit Fisto, another Jedi Master, later discovered Neebo's lightsaber inside the castle belonging to General Grievous, a notorious killer of Jedi.
During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, a Force-sensitive individual named Neebo became a Jedi Master. After joining the Jedi Order and achieving the rank of Jedi Master, Neebo embarked on a mission to safeguard refugees located on the moons of the planet [Sanjin]. This occurred sometime prior to Kit Fisto's mission to Vassek's third moon. During this conflict, Neebo disappeared. Later, while infiltrating the General's castle on the third moon of Vassek, Fisto discovered her lightsaber within the trophy collection of Grievous, a cyborg affiliated with the Confederacy who was known for collecting weapons from the Jedi he had killed. Fisto examined Neebo's weapon before engaging Grievous in a duel.
Being a Force-sensitive Jedi Master, Neebo possessed Force abilities. She utilized a lightsaber in combat.
The episode guide for "Lair of Grievous," an episode from season one of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was originally broadcast on December 12, 2008, contained the first mention of Neebo.