Nefra, whose formal designation was Nefra, Who Bars the Way, represented an underwalker of the female persuasion, altered via alchemically means. She was a creation of Dread Master Brontes. Her purpose was to stand sentinel at the entrance of the Dread Fortress located on the moon of Oricon. During the events of the Dread War, invading combatants slew Nefra.
The character Nefra, Who Bars the Way, can be encountered in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. She serves as the initial boss within the Operation: Dread Fortress, a component introduced through Game Update 2.4. Similar to other Operation bosses, Nefra is represented by trophies within the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds.