The Neo-Cobral Base functioned as a fortified installation situated a short distance to the west of the city of Narmle on Naboo's swamp moon named Rori, during the time period known as the Galactic Civil War. The Neo-Cobral faction held dominion over this base.

A gang of smugglers and black market dealers known as the Neo-Cobral controlled the base; this group had previously been in control of the planet Frego.
In the year 1 ABY, a spacer was assigned by Lieutenant Orden Tarc of the Royal Naboo Security Forces to conduct interrogations of Cobrals within the base, with the aim of extracting information related to an Aqualish criminal identified as Ponda Baba.
The Neo-Cobral Base was a location featured in the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game called Star Wars Galaxies, before the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. The base became part of the game through the release of "Game Update 12," on August 10, 2009.