The New Republic Security Force (NRSF), also known as New Republic Security, served as the primary agency for both law enforcement and counter-intelligence within the government of the New Republic. Following the seizure of the planet Coruscant from the Galactic Empire in 7 ABY, the NRSF was established. Its purpose was to fulfill a similar role to that of the Imperial Sector Rangers. In fact, many NRSF agents were recruited from the ranks of former Sector Rangers. The main responsibilities of the NRSF included maintaining civil order through investigations into corruption, slavery, and organized crime, apprehending Imperial spies operating within the New Republic government, and safeguarding the civil rights of New Republic citizens, including investigating any violations thereof. The NRSF carried out these duties until the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances replaced the New Republic in 28 ABY, at which point the agency was dissolved.

Established as the chief law enforcement agency for the New Republic, the New Republic Security Force was intended to mirror the function of the Galactic Empire's Sector Rangers. Functioning as both police officers, upholding the laws of the New Republic to ensure civil order, and as counter-intelligence personnel, preventing the intrusion of Imperial spies and terrorists, NRSF agents served in dual capacities. Despite having a large area to police and a shortage of personnel, NRSF agents were among the best law enforcement officials in the New Republic. Many were former Sector Rangers with a wide range of skills, and they were highly motivated and well-trained. NRSF agents would conduct in-depth covert operations to find criminals or spies while looking into corruption, criminal organizations, or suspected Imperial activity. NRSF agents were granted limited judicial authority due to the demands placed on the New Republic government, should the circumstances warrant it.
The NRSF concentrated its efforts on preserving general civil order by battling organized crime, slavery, and criminal corruption as part of its mission to uphold New Republic laws. They were also specifically tasked with defending the fundamental rights of New Republic citizens, which in practice could entail defending individuals from anything from crime lord enforcers to Imperial stormtroopers. In addition, NRSF agents would help local police with their investigations if the offenders left the local jurisdiction or if the case was too complex for the local police to properly investigate. The NRSF's help and/or interference, however, was not always welcomed.
The NRSF's second main function was to serve as the New Republic's counter-intelligence organization. Specifically, its mission was to stop the government from being infiltrated by Galactic Empire spies and to thwart terrorist acts. In this regard, the NRSF's responsibilities overlapped with those of its larger intelligence counterpart, the New Republic Intelligence Service (NRI). Similarly, the NRI carried out tasks similar to those of the NRSF, such as monitoring the actions of criminals, smugglers, and terrorists. Because the NRSF had far fewer employees and the NRI was in its early years and had previously been a part of the New Republic military, the NRSF placed a greater emphasis on law enforcement operations against criminal organizations, while the NRI concentrated on providing intelligence with a military focus.
The Imperial Sector Rangers served as the foundation for the New Republic Security Force. The Sector Rangers, one of the galaxy's oldest law enforcement organizations, had been around since the Galactic Republic's early years and had changed little with the establishment of the Galactic Empire. In 7 ABY, the New Republic seized the galactic capital planet of Coruscant, solidifying its position as the dominant galactic government. While local and planetary police forces were generally left in place, the New Republic government recognized the necessity for a law enforcement agency dedicated to enforcing its common laws. The NRSF was established with the goal of ensuring civil order by upholding the laws of the New Republic, preventing enemy agents from infiltrating, and safeguarding the civil rights of all sentient New Republic citizens. Although the NRSF and the Sector Rangers were politically at odds overall, the Rangers had remained apart from the galaxy's general Imperialization. As a result, the NRSF had no reservations about accepting them into their ranks, and the majority of NRSF agents had previously worked for the Sector Rangers.
General Airen Cracken, the Director of New Republic Intelligence, was given the responsibility of forming the NRSF. He established the new agency's headquarters on Coruscant and started to organize it. It was hoped that the NRSF could assist in bringing order to Coruscant in the absence of the disbanded Coruscant Guard, as well as the command structure of the Coruscant Security Force and the Security Force's Imperial stormtrooper contingent. The NRSF, however, was too young and small to have any immediate impact. Myleena Dystra joined the NRSF not long after it was founded. She was involved in two separate fights and was hurt both times. The second episode was almost deadly. At some point, NRSF Agent Oollj sustained serious injuries while attempting to stop the theft of Meleenium from the Qua'Tahc mines on Af'El. The NRSF continued operations until the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances replaced the New Republic in 28 ABY, at which point it was dissolved.