Nodin Chavdri

Nodin Chavdri was a male human who belonged to the Resistance; he functioned as both a shuttle pilot and a transport pilot.


Chavdri's transport delivers Resistance troops to battle First Order forces.

In the period known as the Cold War between the First Order and the Resistance, Nodin Chavdri was the pilot of a Resistance transport. He used it to bring Resistance troopers to a planet. Upon arrival, they immediately fought against stormtroopers and a All Terrain Scout Transport. During the Battle of Oetchi, Chavdri sided with Poe Dameron in Dameron's mutiny. However, Amilyn Holdo created a diversion and then stunned him, along with C'ai Threnalli and Pammich Nerro Goode. He also took part in the Battle of Crait, where he piloted a V-4X-D Ski speeder. He died in that battle, along with a number of other Resistance pilots.

Behind the scenes

Navin Chowdhry played Nodin Chavdri in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which came out in 2017 and is the second movie in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

