The Noonian sector represented a specific sector located within the galaxy. Before the well-known Battle of Yavin occurred, Lando Calrissian, alongside L3-37, connected with an Er'Kit arms dealer to obtain a collection of All Terrain Defense Turret walkers. Ultimately, Calrissian and L3-37 experienced an ambush within the Halthor sector, triggered by an Imperial [interdictor]'s](/article/interdictor) sudden appearance from hyperspace. As a consequence of this ambush, Calrissian suffered the loss of most of the walker shipment he had previously secured from the arms dealer.
Following the Battle for Tatooine, Saponza's Gang obtained Calrissian's recorded messages, notably Holojournal Entry #1983712, and intercepted communications from the criminal world about powerful, older walkers in use. Saponza concluded that someone had likely discovered Calrissian's lost shipment, and that others would be searching for the remaining merchandise. Consequently, Saponza and his partner initiated a mission to recover Lando Calrissian's shipment.