
Noori was a world of landmasses, a planet found in the southeast region of the galaxy, specifically within the Noori system of the Noori sector. This location placed it in the Expansion Region, within a section overlapping with the Slice, a region of space. During the Great Manifest Period, the Galactic Republic dispatched scouting parties to this area, which led to extensive settlement over the subsequent millennia. Noori was the original homeworld of the Noorians, a sentient humanoid species characterized by their striped eyes. The planet was the birthplace of Tahl, a Jedi Master of the Noorian species who lived in the Republic's final decades.


This terrestrial planet, Noori, existed in the Noori sector of the Expansion Region, specifically within its Noori system. Its location was in the galaxy's southeast quadrant, the galaxy. The area was also part of the Slice, a region of space located between the hyperlanes known as the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run. The planet was habitable.


Tahl, a member of the Noorian species

During the Great Manifest Period, the expanding Galactic Republic sent scouts to explore the region of space where Noori was located. This era, which began around 20,000 BBY, marked the beginning of extensive colonization within the Slice. By the Republic's final millennium, nearly every habitable planet in the Slice had been populated for millennia (years). During the New Sith Wars, spanning from 1004 BBY to 1000 BBY, the area around Noori was uncontrolled, with neither the Sith nor the Jedi and Republic holding a firm grip. By 137 ABY, Noori had fallen under the control of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, led by the Dark Lord.


The Noorians, a species of sentient humanoids with distinctive striped eyes that set them apart from Humans, originated on Noori, which was their homeworld. Tahl, a Jedi Master born on the planet in 92 BBY, left Noori early in her life to undergo training at the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, the Republic's capital.

Behind the scenes

Noori was initially referenced in The Defenders of the Dead, the fifth book in the Jedi Apprentice series. This young adult novel, written by Jude Watson and released in 1999, contains the only in-universe mention of the planet to date. The planet has also been mentioned in the "Tahl" entry of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, a reference book published in 2008.

Galactic grid location of O-10

In 2009, the Noori system was included within the appendix of The Essential Atlas, a third-generation Essential Guide by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace that focuses on the astrography of the Star Wars universe. Although the planet Noori is not explicitly placed within the eponymous system in either The Defenders of the Dead or The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Fry has clarified that "planets not assigned a system in [a] published source can be assumed to reside in [the] system of [the] same name." The Essential Atlas situated the Noori system within the Expansion Region, at grid coordinates O-10. This information was also presented in the Online Appendix of the Atlas Online Companion on A September 2012 update to the Online Appendix further specified the Noori system's placement within the Noori sector.

