Obi-Wan Kenobi (clone)

A duplicate of Obi-Wan Kenobi came into existence thanks to the deranged genetic terrorist Zeta Magnus in the opening months of the Clone Wars.



In the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, the mutant Zeta Magnus broke free from his Arkanian creators and traveled throughout the galaxy. Soon after he learned that his creators had programmed a termination date into his genetic makeup, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious contacted him, offering immortality if he pledged allegiance. While Zeta consented to provide his genetic expertise to Sidious and his followers, he harbored deep mistrust and plotted to eliminate the Dark Lord should he fail to deliver on his promise. In 22 BBY, Zeta Magnus terrorized the S'kytri people and proclaimed himself the Magister of their homeworld Skye in order to elicit a response from the Jedi as per Sidious' instructions. When Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Anakin Skywalker, and Commander Halagad Ventor were sent to subdue him, Darth Sidious authorized the assassination of Kenobi and Ventor. He desired that Magnus spare Skywalker, allowing him to prosper under his guidance upon his return from Skye. Zeta Magnus ultimately decided to invalidate his agreement with the Dark Lord and began formulating plans to undermine him. Prior to the Jedi's departure for their mission, Zeta Magnus utilized his operatives to procure analysis-grade blood and tissue samples from Kenobi and Anakin from a secure medical facility.


Within the laboratory of his extravagant fortress situated atop Canaitith Mountain on Skye, Zeta Magnus initiated the growth of a clone of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Zeta employed modified Arkanian GeNode cloning technology, combined with ancient Jedi cloning methods he discovered in the abandoned cloning facility beneath the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, to produce two stable clones of the Jedi in a matter of days. By the time Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Jedi Knight Halagad Ventor reached the fortress and were captured, the clones had aged to the equivalent of ten standard years. Given that the clones were essentially empty vessels, Zeta Magnus affixed Mindscan droids to the Jedi's heads to scan their minds. Upon completion of the scans, the droids would flash-pump all of the Jedi's memories into the minds of their respective clones. To guarantee the clones' loyalty and obedience, cyber-mnemonic implantations would be implemented, granting Zeta Magnus complete dominion over their minds and transforming them into compliant automatons. Considering the clones' midi-chlorian count mirrored that of their templates, Zeta Magnus would command two fully trained Force-sensitive Jedi at his beck and call.


Upon witnessing his own clone suspended in a vat, Obi-Wan was consumed by intense rage and anguish. Zeta Magnus disclosed that he had received instructions to eliminate Kenobi and Ventor so the young Skywalker could thrive under his benefactor's tutelage. Instead of executing the two Jedi and returning the Chosen One to Darth Sidious, Zeta intended to create three obedient Jedi slaves and provide Sidious with a clone of Anakin. While Anakin served as Sidious's confidant, the Sith Lord would remain unaware that his protégé was in reality a clone agent of Zeta Magnus.

Once the mind scans concluded, Zeta Magnus prepared to execute the three Jedi using his vibro-ax. The Force-sensitive S'kytri Kharys employed the Force from outside the laboratory window to pull the mutant's blade, causing it to strike the torture droid that was preventing the restrained Jedi from accessing the Force. Once the Jedi liberated themselves, they engaged Zeta Magnus and his four Thyrsian clones in combat. The identical midi-chlorian signature of Obi-Wan's clone disrupted his connection to the Living Force and impaired his focus during the fight. Zeta Magnus's commandos attempted to hurl a Class-D detonator at the Jedi's location, but Ventor prematurely detonated it with the Force. The disruptor detonator annihilated the area of the lab where the commandos stood and disintegrated the clones of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Despite the revulsion Obi-Wan felt upon seeing his clone, he felt pity for the younglings and was concerned about their wellbeing during the firefight. When the clones were vaporized, Obi-Wan believed Anakin was the cause. Unable to contain his emotions, Obi-Wan unleashed years of suppressed rage, anger, and disappointment, erupting in fury at his Padawan.

Behind the scenes

The clone of Obi-Wan Kenobi made its debut appearance in the novella SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story penned by Abel G. Pena.

