
The oki-poki represented a type of rodent that made their home on cliffs and were originally from the desert planet called Pasaana. Their diet consisted of thistlebuzzers, gorpions, and various other insects. These creatures possessed sizable, quivering ears that could pick up on very specific sounds, along with delicate, vibrating eyes enabling them to essentially "see" sounds. The clumps of fur located on the upper part of their ears were useful for determining the direction of the wind. Sometimes, the Aki-Aki people would tame oki-poki to help keep their crops free from destructive bugs.

Behind the scenes

The oki-poki were designed specifically for the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, which is part of the sequel trilogy. The CFX team constructed these creatures, and Dave Chapman together with Brian Herring operated them as puppets while filming in Jordan.

