The One Twenty-Fifth task force, a unit of the Imperial Navy, was a task force commanded by Admiral [Kinshara]. His flagship was the Stalwart, an _Imperial_-class Star Destroyer. In the Imperial Era, Fleet Admiral Jok Donassius of the Imperial military gave the order for the task force to pacify a group of insurgents situated on the planet Denash. This order came about due to the conflict between the rebels and Wistran, the governor of the world.
This battle was also a component of a broader Imperial operation spanning the entire Batonn sector. The aim of this operation was to prevent diverse rebel cells within the sector, Denash's included, from consolidating their forces on the planet Batonn. Kinshara and the One Twenty-Fifth, utilizing the Stalwart, secured an easy victory in the battle. However, the questioning of their prisoners revealed that the majority of the insurgents' ships and resources had previously been relocated to Batonn.
Timothy Zahn initially referenced the One Twenty-Fifth task force in his 2017 novel, Thrawn. This novel was the first installment in Star Wars: The Imperial Trilogy.