Organ grafting

A female Shaper performing an organ graft. Grafting of organs represented a Yuuzhan Vong ritual; it entailed substituting existing organs with a novel, living organism, thereby achieving biological "augmentation" of the Yuuzhan Vong subject. A notable instance is that of Nom Anor, an Executor, who famously extracted his own eye using a sharpened, burning stick. Subsequently, he replaced it with a plaeryin bol, a venom-spewing living entity. This act was regarded as among the most radical rituals ever undertaken by a Yuuzhan Vong. Furthermore, commanders within the Yuuzhan Vong military had their cloaks affixed to their shoulders via unique organic growths. In the cases of Supreme Commanders and Warmasters, the grafting of armor plating directly onto their skeletal structure was a frequent practice.

