Outpost Beta

Beta Outpost, also known as Outpost Beta, was a guard station situated in proximity to Echo Base of the Rebel Alliance on the world of Hoth. The defensive position was composed of multiple 1.4 FD P-Towers, DF.9 Turrets, and a single v-150 Planet Defender along with trench fortifications. In the course of the Battle of Hoth, the defense of the station was delegated to Blue Squadron, with Trey Callum in command of the outpost's soldiers. Beta Outpost was the initial location to verify the arrival of Imperial forces on the surface. It became the first observation point to be eliminated in the conflict, reduced to rubble by approximately six laser weapon strikes from an All Terrain Armored Transport vehicle.

Behind the scenes

Outpost Beta made an appearance in Star Wars Battlefront, a gaming title released by Electronic Arts on November 17th, 2015. The playable environment is included within three distinct game types: Walker Assault, Turning Point, and Supremacy.

