Pamel Poul

Pamel Poul was a female individual. During 0 BBY, she held the position of station commander on the Death Star.


Early life

Poul spent her childhood in a wealthy district of Coruscant. Unlike her peers, she had no interest in serving on the front lines of the imperial forces. Nevertheless, she wanted to serve the Empire and had a talent for administrative tasks. She acknowledged that her work was monotonous, but she enjoyed it. Her competence led to a swift promotion to Station Commander.

Serving aboard the Death Star

Pamel quickly advanced to Station Commander of Station Control West, one of the four command centers responsible for overseeing the station's operations. In 0 BBY, Docking Bay 327 was locked down due to a ship being impounded. This irritated Pamel, as it threatened to disrupt her flawless shift report. She approached Ensign Toos and Sublieutenant Slallen to inquire about the continued clearing of the hangar. Slallen explained that Captain Edmos Khurgee still had a scanning team on the YT-1300 light freighter. At that moment, Commander Sheard arrived to relieve Pamel of her shift. Suddenly, a red alert sounded for Detention Block AA-23. Toos contacted them to inquire about the situation, and a voice responded that they were experiencing a weapons malfunction. When Toos informed them that a squad was being dispatched, the individual on the comm claimed that there was a reactor leak and the area was unsafe. Sheard asked who the duty officer was in that location, discovering it was Lieutenant Childsen. Toos noted that the voice did not resemble Childsen's and requested a security team. Pamel declined, instructing him to first verify the power systems. After confirming that there was no reactor leak, Pamel authorized a squad to secure the detention block. Pamel contacted Grand Moff Tarkin with a priority red alert, to which he replied that the princess's security must be maintained. Following this exchange, Pamel had Sheard take over her shift and went to get a drink.

Behind the scenes

Pamel Poul is a character in the short story "End of Watch" from the anthology From a Certain Point of View. Janina Gavankar narrates her in the audiobook version.

