
Toos was a male serving as an ensign within the Galactic Empire. He was stationed aboard the first Death Star battle station. During the events of 0 BBY, Toos was on duty alongside Sublieutenant Slallen in Station Control West. Their shift coincided with the arrival of the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon at the Death Star's Docking Bay 327, leading to a disagreement between Toos and Slallen regarding the vessel's merits. Station commander Pamel Poul, their commanding officer, then ordered them to clear the bay, but Slallen explained that they had to wait for the scanning crew to finish inspecting the freighter.

Subsequently, Poul's shift concluded, and she transferred control of the room to Commander Sheard. Before Poul could depart, alarms began sounding. Slallen and Toos informed both commanders that the sensors and cameras in Detention Block AA-23 had gone offline. Under Poul's instruction, Toos attempted to contact the detention block. Unbeknownst to them, the Millennium Falcon's crew had already neutralized the block's staff during their operation to rescue Princess Leia Organa, a prisoner of the Rebel Alliance. Han Solo, the Falcon's captain, answered Toos's call and unsuccessfully tried to reassure him that everything was alright. However, Poul, growing suspicious, ordered Toos to dispatch a squad to the detention block after Solo panicked and blasted the comm unit.


Fascination with the Falcon

Toos admired the Millennium Falcon.

Toos was a male who served the Galactic Empire as an ensign on the first Death Star battle station. During 0 BBY, Toos was assigned to Station Control West. He was on duty, reporting to station commander Pamel Poul, the command at that time. This was when the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon was brought aboard using a tractor beam. The freighter was compelled to land in Docking Bay 327, which fell under the responsibility of Toos's station. As a result, all traffic initially scheduled for that bay was redirected to Docking Bays 328 and 329. Toos was seated at a monitoring station control console next to Sublieutenant Slallen. The two argued about the quality of the YT-1300 model until Poul approached, curious as to why Docking Bay 327 was causing a seven-minute delay.

Slallen explained that neither she nor Toos could clear the dock because a scanning crew under the leadership of Captain Edmos Khurgee was still searching the Millennium Falcon. Then, Commander [Sheard](/article/sheard]—Poul's replacement for the shift—arrived, and Poul instructed Toos and Slallen to report to him once Khurgee was finished. Sheard approached and instructed Toos to display the Falcon on the main screen. The commanders then spoke with Slallen about her brother, a naval architect whom Toos also knew.

An alarming situation

When rebels attempted to rescue Princess Leia Organa from Detention Block AA-23, Toos and Slallen were alerted.

An alarm began sounding from Toos's control console. He frowned and started cycling through a series of switches while examining his monitor. When Poul inquired about the problem, Toos began turning a dial to switch through surveillance frequencies, but all he found were screens filled with static. Slallen then reported that an alarm was sounding in Detention Block AA-23 and all sensors there were offline. Toos added that the cameras in the block were also down.

Without Toos or his colleagues knowing, the Falcon's crew had disabled the staff of the detention block and destroyed the sensors while attempting to rescue Princess Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance, who was being held there. Following Poul's orders, Toos attempted to contact the detention block. However, because the block held political prisoners, it had secure comms, so they had to wait for someone to answer.

A boring conversation

Han Solo spoke with Toos over the comm.

When the comm chimed, Toos opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Han Solo, the captain of the Millennium Falcon. Impersonating an Imperial officer, Solo attempted to convince Toos that nothing was wrong in the detention block, claiming that they had only experienced a weapons malfunction. Toos looked to Slallen, and upon her signal, he warned Solo that they were sending in a squad. However, Solo quickly claimed there was a reactor leak and that, therefore, no one should be sent. Suspicious, Sheard asked who was the officer on duty in the detention block, and Poul responded that it should be Lieutenant Shann Childsen.

Toos knew that the voice speaking to him was not Childsen's and asked for Solo's operating number. Panicking, Solo ended the conversation by blasting the comm, wryly dismissing their "boring conversation." Poul ordered Toos to perform a systems check. When he and Slallen reported that there was no reactor leak, Poul ordered the security squad sent in and that Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin be contacted about the situation. Tarkin placed the battle station on full alert, but the crew of the Falcon managed to escape the Death Star with Organa. Shortly after, the station was destroyed during a battle with the Rebel Alliance above the moon Yavin 4.

Personality and traits

Toos held the YT-1300 line of light freighters in high regard, considering them classics. He was surprised and disappointed when he heard Sublieutenant Slallen speak disparagingly of one, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

Behind the scenes

Toos was first named in the short story "End of Watch."

Toos made his debut in the 1977 film from the original trilogy, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, as the voice on the comm speaking to Han Solo during the shootout in Detention Block AA-23. The character remained unnamed in the film, and the voice actor was not credited. Toos was first given a name in the 2017 short story "End of Watch," penned by Adam Christopher and included in the From a Certain Point of View anthology. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Imperial's voice was present before A New Hope in the 1976 novelization of the film, authored by Alan Dean Foster.

The ensign was initially identified by the operating number "2464" in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, a non-canon video game released in 2023. In the game's depiction of the events from A New Hope, Toos and Solo engage in an extended conversation where Solo fabricates the operating number 2464 in response to the ensign's question. Toos objects, stating that 2464 is his operating number, leading Solo to suggest that Toos might be a rebel spy. Toos then angrily denies this accusation and informs Solo that he is personally coming to the prison block with a squad. If the player does not advance the level quickly enough, a squad of Imperial fleet troopers arrives in the cell block, but none of the generic enemy units are specifically identified as Toos.

