Edmos Khurgee

Edmos Khurgee was a human male who served as a security officer for the Galactic Empire. He held the military rank of captain during the Galactic Civil War, a conflict against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During this intergalactic conflict, he was stationed on the Death Star, where he oversaw the search of the Millennium Falcon after it was brought aboard via the station's tractor beams technology.


Edmos Khurgee, a human male, became an officer within the military forces of the Galactic Empire. This Empire was a fascist government under the rule of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Consequently, he participated in the Galactic Civil War, a war where the Empire battled the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Alliance was a rebellious group aiming to depose Palpatine and reinstate democracy across the galaxy.

Edmos Khurgee (right) and Dasita Lyros (left) on a recruitment poster

At some juncture, Khurgee acted as the model for the male officer featured on the propaganda poster titled COMPNOR Recruitment. This poster encouraged citizens to enlist in the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (abbreviated as COMPNOR), an organization tasked with spreading the Empire's underlying ideology. While it implied that the captain might have had a special relationship with COMPNOR officials, given the prevalence of favoritism at the time, it also sparked unsubstantiated rumors suggesting a romantic connection between Khurgee and the artist, Dasita Lyros.

In 0 BBY, Khurgee held the rank of captain as a security officer. He was stationed on the Death Star, the Empire's newly constructed globe-shaped mobile battle station in deep space. One day, the Death Star's tractor beams ensnared a Corellian freighter as it entered the spatial region containing the remains of the planet Alderaan, which the battle station had recently destroyed. When the captured vessel, the Millennium Falcon, was brought to Docking Bay 327, Captain Khurgee personally led the initial inspection, thoroughly searching the ship and examining its log. Finding no apparent occupants and noting the log's record of immediate crew abandonment after takeoff, the captain surmised the Falcon might be a mere diversion. Khurgee then communicated his observations and conclusions to Darth Vader, the Emperor's black-armored enforcer, who nonetheless directed him to dispatch a scanning team for a more comprehensive search.


While performing his duties on the Death Star, Edmos was seen wearing a gray Imperial officer's uniform made from gaberwool, complete with a cap featuring an identity disk. On his chest, he displayed two code cylinders alongside a rank insignia plaque. The plaque exhibited a single line comprised of six amber squares.

Behind the scenes

Captain Khurgee made his debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope in 1977. Although uncredited in the film, he was portrayed by Christopher Muncke, an actor hailing from Chicago. The given name "Edmos" was conceived by Pablo Hidalgo for the 2016 reference work titled Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy.

Muncke's scenes were filmed over a single day at Elstree Studios, situated near London, England. The actor recounted that, while he anticipated the makeup department to cut his hair short in preparation for portraying a military officer, they informed him that only a minor trim was necessary, given the film's setting in a completely different era.

