Sheard, a human, held the position of station commander overseeing Station Control West on the Galactic Empire's massive DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station. During 0 BBY of the recognized year, alarms erupted in Detention Block AA-23 of the Death Star as the crew of the YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon, attempted to rescue Princess Leia Organa. This occurred just as Sheard's shift was commencing. He and his predecessor, Pamel Poul, then endeavored to ascertain the cause of the disturbance, overhearing Ensign Toos's conversation with smuggler Han Solo, who was trying to assure them that everything was under control.
Sheard, a human in the service of the Galactic Empire, functioned as a station commander aboard the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station. He shared the responsibility of commanding Station Control West with Commander Pamel Poul. In 0 BBY of the standard year, Sheard arrived via turbolift at the station control room to relieve Poul as her twelve hour shift concluded. After a casual salute, Poul transferred her datapad and briefed Sheard on the significant events of her shift. She highlighted the arrival of the YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon, at Docking Bay 327, which fell under their area of responsibility. This freighter had been drawn into the dock by a tractor beam, causing a delay in incoming traffic while an inspection team headed by Captain Edmos Khurgee conducted an investigation.
Sheard instructed Ensign Toos to display the vessel on the main screen. Subsequently, he, Poul, Toos, and Sublieutenant Slallen engaged in a discussion about the extensively modified ship and Slallen's brother. Just as Poul prepared to depart, an alarm sounded, and Toos reported that all sensors in Detention Block AA-23 had failed. Unbeknownst to those in Station Control West, the Millennium Falcon's crew had neutralized the scanning crew and were heading toward the detention block to rescue Princess Leia Organa, who was being held captive there.
Poul instructed Toos to establish communication, but because the detention block held political prisoners, it utilized secure communications, requiring them to await a response. Han Solo, the smuggler and captain of the Falcon, answered the call, having already subdued the Imperial personnel within the detention block. Solo made a weak attempt to convince Toos and the others that everything was in order. The ensign told the smuggler that a squad was being dispatched to investigate. Solo then claimed that there was a reactor leak to deter them. Sheard inquired about the detention block's commanding officer. When Poul replied that it should be Shann Childsen, Toos pointed out that Solo's voice was clearly not Childsen's and demanded the smugglers operating number. In a panic, Solo used his blaster to destroy the comm unit, ending the communication.
After Poul had Toos confirm the absence of a reactor leak, she ordered the ensign to dispatch a security squad and contact Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Tarkin was initially unavailable, but when Sheard declared it a priority red request, the Grand Moff responded. Upon learning that the alert originated from Detention Block AA-23, he ordered all sections to be placed on alert. Sheard invited Poul to stay while the situation unfolded, but she opted to leave and rest. The Falcon's crew successfully escaped with the princess on their freighter, returning her to the Rebel Alliance's headquarters on the moon Yavin 4. The Death Star tracked them there, but was subsequently destroyed above the moon by the Alliance.
Sheard, sporting a prominent mustache, ran a finger along its underside as Poul updated him on the events of her shift. He expressed surprise at seeing an YT-1300 still in operation during 0 BBY.
Sheard's first appearance was in the short story "End of Watch," penned by Adam Christopher and featured in the From a Certain Point of View anthology, released on October 3, 2017. Sheard's name and thick mustache are shared with Michael Sheard, the actor who played Admiral Ozzel in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.