
Peace-sealing represented a heavy metal covering, sized appropriately to fit over missile tubes and spectrum laser apertures. The Kilji Illumine government employed this plating, which could be rapidly detached using explosives in a matter of seconds. The Kilji war cruiser Whetstone made use of peace-sealing to conceal its weapons during a tour of various worlds belonging to the Chiss Ascendancy in 18 BBY.

Following the death of Generalirius Nakirre, the Illumine's leader and the Whetstone's commander, at the hands of his previous associate "Jixtus" on the cruiser while in the Sunrise system, the Whetstone's Pathfinder navigator became afraid that Jixtus would be the next to attack. Because of this fear, the navigator commanded one of the generalirius's servants to dismantle the Whetstone's peace-sealing, enabling it to fire upon Jixtus' flagship, the FateSpinner.

Behind the scenes

The novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, released in 2021 and the concluding book in the Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy authored by Timothy Zahn, featured peace-sealing.

