Peragus Mining Facility Administration Officer

The individual in charge of administration at the Peragus Mining Facility held the highest position within the mining colony during the Skirmish at Peragus II in 3951 BBY. This occurred when Meetra Surik made her escape from a Sith ambush that took place on the Republic warship known as the Harbinger, subsequently docking the Ebon Hawk with the station to carry out essential repairs.


Once the Ebon Hawk was brought in via tractor beam, his team discovered the bodies of Kreia and Surik, both unconscious, along with a deactivated T3-M4, and an HK-50 Jedi hunter that pretended to be just a regular protocol droid. The administrator had the Jedi taken to the med bay, and ordered security to inventory the ship's contents. He then questioned HK-50 in an attempt to figure out what had happened to the damaged ship, and had the droids sent to maintenance until their owner was well again. He tried to find out more about the mysterious ship and those on board, so he contacted officials on Telos IV to try and find Republic records on Surik, and sent out a general comm message to find records on the Ebon Hawk.

While Surik was still unconscious, the administrator tried to keep her identity secret, because he was worried that the miners would riot. But eventually, the news about the Jedi survivor got out, and miners like Coorta started planning to claim the bounty that the Exchange had put on Jedi.

When HK-50 started the emergency lockdown at the facility, hoping to get Surik's bounty for himself, the administrator ended up trapped in the dormitory level, where he died because of the toxic fumes that filled the ventilation system. Later, Surik found his datapad, which had part of the code needed to open the turbolift to the administration level.

