A piratical stronghold, situated on the desert planet of Tatooine, functioned as the central hub for the Sand slum pirates throughout the era of the Galactic Civil War.

This pirate haven was positioned to the east of the metropolis of Mos Eisley, found on Tatooine. Inhabited by a criminal group identified as the Sand slum pirates and their buccaneer chief, the installation comprised multiple subterranean levels. Its internal architecture mirrored the design of Imperial Tactical Centers. Notably, the base's interior featured at least two banners displaying the symbol of the Galactic Empire, suggesting a prior period of Imperial control.

Following the Yavin conflict in 0 BBY, the pirates began to antagonize the farmers Roric and Helen Goldenfield, residents of the nearby farm. During 1 ABY, a space traveler cornered and assaulted the pirate boss on the lowest level of the base. However, the spacefarer spared the pirate's life upon his surrender. In recognition of the spacer's role in easing the tensions between the pirates and the local humidity farmers, they were given the Honor Badge.
The pirate base was a setting featured in the 2003 electronic game Star Wars Galaxies, a large-scale online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. The sand slum pirates and their base were implemented into the game as part of the revised iteration of the "Hero of Tatooine" questline, launched with the "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.
Players participating in the "Honor" segment of the "Hero of Tatooine" were required to battle the sand slum pirates within their base and overcome their commander. This version of the quest was considerably less challenging than the original, which involved locating and defeating a standard "pirate leader" that materialized at a random location across Tatooine. Nevertheless, upon the release of "Publish 25", several glitches impacted the updated pirate leader, making it impossible to finish the quest until the release of the "Chapter 2.7" update, on September 6, 2006.