Pix, a Human female strong in the Force, was a Padawan who served the Jedi Order during the closing years of the Galactic Republic. As a consequence of the Clone Wars—a pan-galactic conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems—Pix and her fellow Jedi were appointed as officers within the Grand Army of the Republic. Elevated to the rank of Jedi Commander, Pix fought alongside her master, Jedi General Tyr, until he met his death at the hands of a suicide bomber on the homeworld of the Sephi, Thustra. With the situation worsening, Grand Master Yoda sought to resolve the conflict through diplomatic means, leaving Pix in command of the clone army while he personally engaged in negotiations with King Alaric.
Despite the diplomatic exchange between their leaders, the Sephi forces massed just outside the perimeter of the Republic command center's defenses, leading Clone Commander Clutch to surmise that they were preparing for another assault. The clone urged Pix to initiate the attack, but the Padawan was under strict instructions from Yoda to avoid engaging the Sephi in his absence. Subsequently, she was misled into believing that Alaric had violated the truce by orchestrating Yoda's execution. Deceived by Senator Navi, the galactic representative of Thustra, Commander Pix led her clone troopers into combat, aiming to overwhelm the enemy and seize Alaric's palace before the Sephi could launch a counterattack against the Republic Military.
The Battle of Thustra ultimately fostered support for the Sephi, completely integrating Thustra and its allies into the Separatist cause despite the Republic's attempts to maintain their allegiance. Following the battle, Pix and Yoda journeyed back to the Republic capital of Coruscant, where they exposed Navi's deception to the Galactic Senate, leading to the senator's arrest on charges of conspiracy and treason.

During the waning years of the Galactic Republic, Pix was a member of the Jedi Order, taken as a Padawan learner by Jedi Master Tyr. As the galaxy became consumed by the Clone Wars, she, like other Jedi apprentices, was granted the rank of Jedi Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic. In 22 BBY, she accompanied her master to the planet Thustra, leading an army of clone troopers in order to present a show of force against the Sephi, who were on the verge of seceding from the Republic.
Within ten hours of the Republic's arrival, the Sephi launched an attack using suicide tactics, inflicting significant casualties on the Republic forces. A suicide bomber successfully killed the Jedi generals Tyr and Tyffix, although Pix's life was spared by her master seconds before the enemy starfighter impacted the Republic command center. Having lost two generals and a portion of their troops, Pix transmitted a request for reinforcements to the Jedi High Council on the Republic capital of Coruscant. At the time, she and her fellow Padawan, Commander Cal, anticipated the arrival of an army led by either Mace Windu or Oppo Rancisis to assist them. However, they were surprised when Grand Master Yoda arrived on Thustra. The ancient Jedi Master did not bring additional troopers as Pix had requested; Yoda hoped to negotiate an end to hostilities with King Alaric, the sovereign ruler of Thustra. Consequently, he traveled to the capital city with Cal, leaving Pix and Clone Commander Clutch in command of the remaining clone troopers.

While Pix and Clutch awaited Yoda's return, the two officers observed a contingent of Sephi soldiers gathering near the Republic army's position. The clone advised his Jedi commander to initiate an attack on the Sephi, considering this the most strategically sound course of action given the circumstances. Pix hesitated at Clutch's suggestion, as it contradicted the direct orders of their Jedi general. Clutch maintained his recommendation, believing that Yoda's strategy conflicted with their ability to defend themselves. Nevertheless, they refrained from attacking the Sephi until Senator Navi—the galactic representative of Thustra—arrived at the Republic's new command center. In an effort to prevent his homeworld from seceding from the Republic, Navi misled Pix into believing that Yoda and Cal had been lured to Alaric's palace and executed on the king's orders. As a result, Clutch concluded that open war had become inevitable but could not issue the order to attack without Pix's approval, given that she was the highest-ranking officer in Yoda's absence. He suggested requesting another general from Coruscant, but Pix silenced him by ordering the clone troopers to attack the Sephi.
Pix and Clutch spearheaded the Republic attack from a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship. Their preemptive strike successfully caught the Sephi off guard; Commander Dekluun was among the casualties sustained by the Sephi army. As the Republic gained air superiority with the use of their gunships, the clone infantry advanced to control the field with the support of AT-TE and SPHA walkers. Pix and Clutch fought together on the front lines while simultaneously relaying orders to the clone troopers, instructing them to eliminate the enemy's tanks and speeders as they advanced on the capital. As the fighting intensified, Pix experienced a foreboding feeling regarding both the battle and the senator. Following the battle, Pix and Clutch returned to Coruscant with Yoda, who was revealed to be alive and well despite Senator Navi's claims. Entering the Grand Convocation Chamber of the Senate Building, they accused Navi of treason before the entire Galactic Senate. Pix observed the politician's downfall while standing alongside Mace Windu, witnessing Clutch personally arrest Navi with the assistance of two Senate Guards.

Pix was a brown-eyed Human female with dark skin and long black hair styled into boxbraids and secured in a ponytail. She demonstrated unwavering loyalty to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, fighting for both institutions against rebellious worlds that supported the secessionist aims of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. She was also devoted to her master, General Tyr, who instructed her in the ways of the Force before the battle of Thustra.
After witnessing her mentor's demise in a suicide attack, Pix grieved Tyr's passing and attempted to console Cal, a fellow Padawan whose own master, Tyffix, had also perished. She proactively reported the situation on Thustra to Coruscant but was rebuked by Yoda for failing to inform him directly. In contrast to Cal, who openly questioned Yoda's decision to prioritize diplomacy over force, Pix endeavored to adhere to the Grand Master's plan and initially resisted Commander Clutch's proposal to launch a preemptive strike against the Sephi. The thought of Yoda and Cal perishing in a trap set by King Alaric caused Pix distress and made her more receptive to the option of taking military action against the Sephi, as suggested by Senator Navi and Commander Clutch. During the attack, Pix fully embraced her role as a tactician and battlefield commander. Consequently, she issued orders to her clone troopers while simultaneously engaging in combat alongside them. However, she soon expressed reservations about both the battle and Navi, who claimed that the king had executed Yoda, as her army approached the palace.
During the Clone Wars, Pix wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber but did not wear the traditional robes of the Jedi Order. Instead, her attire consisted of a form-fitting, short-sleeved blue top and a short, beige skirt. She also occasionally wore a light-colored Jedi cloak.
Pix was Force-sensitive, and as such, was trained in the Jedi arts. Her skills extended to the use of Force techniques and lightsaber combat, enabling her to deflect blaster fire with a lightsaber.

Pix's initial appearance was in Jedi: Yoda, a comic published by Dark Horse and written by Jeremy Barlow that was released in 2004. The American illustrator HOON provided the artwork for the comic. A concept art image, viewable on HOON's website, portrays Pix wearing different clothing, wielding a sword-like weapon, and standing next to a Sith Lord named Darth Homiiz. In 2008, Pix was featured in an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.