Princess Latara

"Princess Latara" marks the fourth installment in the second season of the animated television series, Ewoks. This episode, penned by Paul Dini and brought to life under the direction of Dale Schott, initially graced the screens of ABC viewers on September 20, 1986.

Plot summary

In Search of Royalty

Slugga, the reigning Queen of the Gorphs, decrees that her offspring, Prince Vork, is in need of a wife, ideally a princess possessing both noble lineage and considerable wealth. Slugga commands her Gorph subjects to locate and present suitable candidates. The first prospect is the princess hailing from the Mudgub tribe. While Vork expresses a liking for her, his mother deems the Mudgub princess too plebeian and orders her to be cast into the pit. Despite the princess's attempt to escape, a guard forcibly throws her into the designated pit.

The next candidate is the giggling princess of the Titterbugs. Vork is amused by her, but the Queen dismisses her as unworthy. The guard, following orders, tosses her into the pit alongside the previous rejected suitor. Vork begins to show concern, but his mother assures him there is no need to fret. She resolves to find a princess from the Ewok tribe and dispatches two of her guards to capture one.

A Day of Pretend

At Bright Tree Village, Latara is occupied with hanging a sheet to dry. However, her tranquility is disrupted by her younger siblings, Wiley and Nippet, who playfully tug at the sheet. Latara instructs them to leave her alone, causing them to release their grip. Unfortunately, she becomes entangled in the sheet and tumbles into a large container filled with soapy water.

Her companion Kneesaa, arriving on her bordok named Baga, pays her a visit. Latara complains about her domestic duties and expresses a desire to experience life as a princess, similar to Kneesaa. Kneesaa responds that she also has responsibilities and that training to lead the tribe is a significant burden. Latara insists that it is not the same and voices her wish to be a princess, even if only for a single day. Kneesaa agrees to let Latara play the role of a princess for the day, all the while whispering to Baga that the reality is not as glamorous as it seems. The bordok concur with a nod.

Subsequently, Latara emerges from a dwelling adorned in princess attire. Wicket expresses his disapproval of the idea, but Kneesaa persuades him to cooperate by promising to trade her pearl of patience for his belt of honor. Assuming the persona of a princess, Latara commands her "peasants" to prepare her mount for a tour of her royal lands. Wicket takes offense at being labeled a peasant, but Kneesaa reminds him of their agreement.

Wicket places a saddle on Baga, and Latara orders the bordok to commence the journey. However, Baga does not acknowledge her authority, prompting Latara to offer him a blumfruit tart as a bribe. Baga then dashes through Bright Tree Village, speeding down a gangway and narrowly avoiding several Ewoks. Baga races towards a well, causing Latara to command him to halt. The bordok stops abruptly, resulting in Latara falling into the well.

Teebo assists her in climbing out of the well, but Wicket mocks her misfortune. Latara remains determined to tour her domain and insists that her friends accompany her. Teebo and Wicket carry Latara on a sedan chair through the forest surrounding Bright Tree Village. Wicket grumbles, but Kneesaa encourages him to comply by reminding him of the pearl of patience.

The Ewoks' procession is observed by two Gorphs, who believe that Latara is a princess and will be a suitable match for Queen Slugga's son. Later, Latara compels Wicket and Teebo to carry her across a stream on the sedan chair. Latara then instructs them to return her to the village. Wicket, having reached his limit, abandons the sedan chair, declaring that Kneesaa can keep her pearl of patience. Wicket informs Latara that he only obeys her commands as a favor to Kneesaa. Teebo adds that Kneesaa did not need to bribe him and that he appreciates her regardless of her behavior.

The Nuptials and the Great Escape

Latara, disheartened by their words, flees into the swamp in tears. She is determined to prove herself as a princess, but she is soon captured by the two Gorphs. They resolve to present her to Queen Slugga. Latara cries out for help as she is dragged into the Gorph throne room, situated within a grotto. The Queen believes that Latara will be an appropriate bride for her son Vork. Slugga envisions uniting their two tribes with herself as the supreme ruler.

Vork expresses his affection for Latara, but she vehemently refuses to marry him. Latara informs the Queen that she is merely a common peasant and not a princess at all. Latara attempts to escape but is ensnared by the Queen's tongue. The Queen intends to throw her into the pit. Latara then claims that her father is the Chief and is delighted to introduce new blood into the tribe. Queen Slugga announces that the wedding will proceed without delay.

Meanwhile, Kneesaa discovers a fragment of Latara's cape, while Wicket identifies a series of tracks leading towards a grotto. Kneesaa, Wicket, and Teebo venture into the grotto and slide down a tunnel that leads to the Gorphs' territory. They evade two sentries, who return to the wedding ceremony. The Ewoks, curious about the wedding, follow the trail left by the guards.

Latara attempts to postpone the wedding by claiming that she is too young to be married and that she has always advocated for long engagements. Her friends observe the wedding ceremony from a concealed location. Wicket suggests that Kneesaa and Teebo create a diversion while he descends and rescues Latara. However, his friends are quickly apprehended by the guards. Wicket improvises, and they manage to break free from their captors.

As Latara resists Vork's attempt to kiss her, Kneesaa calls out to her friend. Latara assists her in climbing up from the basin. Queen Slugga notices the Ewok intruders and orders her guards to pursue them. Wicket leads them out, but Latara and Teebo collide with a large creature. Wicket guides the other Ewoks through a network of tunnels to a muddy ramp that proves to be too slippery. The Queen catches up to them, but Wicket throws Latara's crown, causing her to lose her balance and tumble into her guards, sending them all back into the throne room. They plummet into the pit. Vork inquires of his mother whether the wedding is off.

Simultaneously, the other Ewoks reach the surface. Latara apologizes for her selfish and spoiled behavior. She declares that, from that day forward, she will leave all matters of princesshood to her friend Kneesaa. Kneesaa assures Wicket that she will set things right. However, Latara attempts to persuade her friends to carry her back to the village. They decline her request.


During the scene where Latara is riding Baga, a portion of the animation depicts the young Ewok with four toes on each foot, which deviates from the majority of the frames. According to Star Wars Legends lore, Ewoks are characterized by having only three toes on each foot.


