A mini-comic titled "Probe Droid Problem" was brought to life by Chris Eliopoulos and Jordie Bellaire, appearing in the pages of Darth Maul (2017) 1. The story, which unfolds during the timeline of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, centers on a DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid.
After its deployment into the Tatooine desert with the mission to locate Queen Amidala, an unmentioned probe droid came across a labor droid, also unnamed, that was pinned beneath collapsed debris. The probe initially tried to leave the trapped droid, but the labor droid managed to grab onto the probe and free itself. Frustrated, the probe droid flew off, only to notice the labor droid was now tailing it. The probe then sped off at an increased rate, creating a significant gap, before being captured by a group of stealthy Jawas.
Confined within the enormous sandcrawler, the probe droid floated about in a state of unhappiness. Unexpectedly, it was freed when the labor droid forced open the wall of the vehicle and rescued the probe. Returning to Darth Maul's ship on Tatooine, the probe chose to stay with its newfound companion, and the two of them flew together towards the horizon.