
R2-X2, a droid of the R2 series astromech type, showcased a color scheme of green and white. During the Galactic Civil War, this droid served the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire. Back in 0 BBY, it was present at the Alliance's headquarters, situated inside the Great Temple on Yavin 4's moon. There, it witnessed a briefing by General Jan Dodonna detailing the Alliance's strategy to attack the Imperial Death Star superweapon. Subsequently, R2-X2 was placed into the astromech socket of a T-65B X-wing starfighter inside the temple's hangar. This fighter then launched as part of Red Squadron with the mission of destroying the Death Star. Piloted by Theron Nett under the callsign Red Ten, both he and R2-X2 met their death when their X-wing starfighter was shot down.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of R2-X2 was in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, a film from the original trilogy released in 1977. Later, the droid's identity was first established on a card within the Star Wars Customizable Card Game's "Premiere Limited" set, which came out in 1995. The name's first official use within canon occurred with the release of the Japanese gacha toy Star Wars Pullback Droid in June of 2015.

