R4-P44 was a R4-P Astromech class of droid that served within the clone trooper forces of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi while they were stationed on Utapau. This droid possessed a dome similar to that of an R2 unit, much like R4-P17 and R4-G9.
An action figure of R4-P44 was created by Hasbro as a component of their Build-A-Droid series. Furthermore, Lego featured R4-P44 in their 2010 rendition of the ARC-170 Starfighter.
Although various sources indicate R4-P44 was present on Utapau, the droid is seen in ARC-170 bombers over Coruscant and Cato Neimoidia in the film Revenge of the Sith.
The reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, which saw release on April 4, 2017, officially established the name as canon.
In the non-canonical video game LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, R4-P44 is featured as one of the possible droids for Snap Wexley to reconstruct and operate during the Battle of Starkiller Base.