Ragtag bunker

The Ragtag bunker functioned as a stronghold on the Core World of Corellia for the criminal syndicate called the Ragtags during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Its placement was near a beach, a relatively short distance to the southwest of Coronet City. During 1 ABY, a spacer, employed by CorSec Lieutenant Mack Jasper, launched an assault on the bunker. The purpose of this attack was to apprehend Tomi Jinsin, a Ragtag member, due to his involvement in the theft of a starship component shipment from Ral Mundi's Starship Emporium. In the ensuing battle, the Ragtag guards who were assigned to the bunker engaged the spacer, resulting in Jinsin's death.

Behind the scenes

The Ragtag bunker appeared as a location within the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies. This was before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Ragtag bunker was integrated into the game through the "Publish 21" update, which went live on August 4, 2005. It was featured in the quest titled "Find the Missing Shipment of Starship Components," more commonly known as "Ral Mundi's quest." "Ral Mundi's quest" underwent significant changes with the release of "Publish 27," on February 15, 2006, and it was incorporated into the "Legacy Quest," the game's primary questline.

