Rebel SpecForce Armor

The Rebel SpecForce Armor was a model of armor used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, especially by Rebel Special Forces.


The Rebel SpecForce Armor was a versatile armor that could be used as an enviro-suit as well as a body armor. It offered a high degree of protection against kinetic damage but lesser protection from energy-based weapons like blasters. The complete armor set included a helmet, a chest plate, left & right biceps, left & right bracers, gloves, an utility belt, leggings and boots. The design of the helmet was similar to that of clone trooper armor, the clone paratrooper variant in particular. The armor could also be equipped with a jetpack used to propel its wearer through vacuum of space.


Rebel SpecForce Armor were developed for elite soldiers of the Alliance Special Forces. It was the primary armor of the SpecForce Marines but it was also worn by other SpecForce troops during operations on planet surfaces, including by infiltrators and Honor Guards.

SpecForce Marines wearing Rebel SpecForce Armors during the boarding of an Imperial starship.

In 0 ABY, Rebel SpecForce Armorswere were worn by Able and his troops when they boarded and hijacked an Imperial cargo ship. When they rescued Janek Sunber from an Imperial space station, Luke Skywalker and Deena Shan also wore this armor, though without the helmets. A short time later, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Deena Shan and Able used this suit to infiltrate the Imperial refueling station Bannistar Station from space.

In 1 ABY, the armor was worn by SpecForce troopers who participated in the Invasions of Bestine on Tatooine, Dearic on Talus and Keren on Naboo. In the meantime, Staff Sergeant Levardio stationed at the Zephyr Base on Rori provided Rebel SpecForce Armors to veteran Rebel combatants.

Behind the scenes

The Rebel SpecForce Armor first appeared in the Star Wars: Rebellion comic series. It later appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Rebel SpecForce Armor was added to the game with the "Game Update 10," released on June 2, 2009.

In Star Wars Galaxies, the Rebel SpecForce Armor was the Rebel counterpart of the Galactic Marines armor. It could be obtained by purchasing it with PvP "Battlefield Tokens" from Staff Sergeant Levardio at the Rebel Outpost on Rori. A battle-worn version that was wearable by non-Humans could be purchased from Rebel recruiters with "Galactic Civil War Tokens."

