Red Three was the designation, or callsign, used to identify the third pilot in Red Squadron.

Biggs Darklighter piloted his craft using the Red Three callsign in the Battle of Yavin, before being shot down by Darth Vader.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Wedge Antilles was reassigned and assumed the Red Three callsign. Additionally, Jamman was also assigned this callsign around the same period.
During the Battle of Endor, the Red Three callsign was given to A-wing pilot Sila Kott. Kott's assignment to Red Three occurred in 3 ABY, as part of Wedge Antilles's reformed Red Squadron soon after the Battle of Hoth. She was shot down by TIE/IN interceptors and killed in the midst of combat.
Nien Nunb held the position of Red Three within the Resistance. During the evacuation of D'Qar, C'ai Threnalli piloted a ship under the Red Three designation.