Resistance, a simulated propaganda poster, was the work of Yolo Ziff, who was a talented holographer, a digital image manipulator, an illustrator, and a starfighter pilot serving with the Resistance battling against the First Order. In the year 34 ABY, many Resistance pilots joked that the recruitment numbers for the Resistance would see a boost if Poe Dameron, their most skilled pilot, would pose for a recruitment poster. Taking inspiration from this joke, Ziff designed a poster showing Dameron in a noble pose against a "bright sky, full of promise," alongside the X-wing starfighters that he commanded. Ziff gave the piece the title Resistance, and also included the Resistance's well-known starbird symbol along with the words "watching over the skies and stars." Although Ziff's original intention was for the poster to be a lighthearted prank, it was somehow distributed on the HoloNet, where it generated interest from potential recruits. As a result of this unexpected success, General Leia Organa of the Resistance chose Ziff to create The Massacre at Tuanul, a visual representation of the attack on Tuanul carried out by the First Order.
The first mention of Resistance occurred in Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, a canon source book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released on October 25, 2016.