A man, belonging to the male sex, served as the spouse to Queen Ressa, who reigned over the world of Drezzi. Following the overthrow of Drezzi by the revived Sith Empire some years before 3954 BBY, this man was killed. Sith Lord Darth Nyriss, however, allowed Ressa and her offspring to survive. As thanks for sparing her and her children's lives, Ressa presented Nyriss with a holoprojector as an act of appreciation. Later, Sechel, a Sith Pureblood who acted as an aide to Darth Nyriss, told the story of the holoprojection and Ressa's family to Sith Lord Scourge as Sechel escorted Scourge to Nyriss's base on the planet Dromund Kaas.
The character of Ressa's husband was referenced in The Old Republic: Revan, a novel from 2011 penned by Drew Karpyshyn.