Retheus Galthe

Retheus Galthe was a male Human who held the office of President of Balmorra during the time of the Cold War that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire.


In the year 3642 BBY, Darth Lachris, a Sith Lord, took Galthe captive. She subjected him to torture until he lost his sanity. Following this, he was encased in carbonite. This was done to demoralize the people of Balmorra, making it easier for the Empire to seize complete control of the planet. The Barsen'thor, a Jedi Master who was dispatched to collaborate with the secessionist Rift Alliance - which included the Balmorran government-in-exile, led by former trade secretary Tai Cordan - infiltrated the Balmorran Arms Factory alongside Zenith, a revolutionary, with the aim of liberating Galthe and putting an end to Lachris's reign. However, with her last breath, Lachris stated that their efforts would be in vain. This proved to be true when they freed Galthe from his carbonite prison and discovered that his mind was shattered.

The Barsen'thor made an attempt to utilize a shielding technique that was originally developed to fight the dark plague of Lord Vivicar, but the technique did not work. As the Balmorra citizens committee faced the reality of their President's condition, they declared Galthe unable to fulfill his duties. Consequently, his presidential powers were transferred to Cordan, adhering to Balmorran legal procedures. Cordan sent a message stating that Galthe's condition was improving, noting his ability to request food and dress himself.

Behind the scenes

The light side option involves the unsuccessful attempt to shield Galthe, followed by the decision to reveal his deteriorated state to the citizens committee. Conversely, the dark side option, which can be chosen before or after trying the shielding technique, entails allowing Zenith to use an experimental implant to forcibly restore Galthe's mind. This would enable him to personally transfer his office to Tai Cordan. However, this technology carried the risk of being fatal. Soon after, Cordan's office will deliver a message to the Consular, officially announcing Galthe's death. This message will include personal comments suggesting that he passed away peacefully in his sleep, possibly as a result of the torture inflicted by Lachris.

