Darth Lachris

Darth Lachris, a female Human, was a Sith Lord within the Sith Empire. She fought against the Galactic Republic during both the Cold War and the Galactic War. Having been an apprentice of Darth Marr of the Dark Council, Darth Lachris took over as Governor of Balmorra after she killed the previous governor, the incompetent Lysennius Melchiro. Her mission was to put down the rebel uprising led by Grand Marshal Cheketta.

When the Barsen'thor, a Jedi Consular, arrived to free Balmorra, Lachris lost her apprentice, Lerek Serrus. Ultimately, she met her end at the hands of the Jedi and Zenith, a member of the Balmorran resistance.


Darth Marr took Lachris as his apprentice.

During the Great Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, Lachris demonstrated her talent with the dark side and became the apprentice of Darth Marr of the Dark Council. Eventually, she earned the title of Darth and became a formidable Sith Lord.

In 3653 BBY, Darth Lachris participated in the Sith Empire's invasion of Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet, during the attacked. Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Darth Lachris chose Lerek Serrus to be her first apprentice during the Cold War, a galaxy-wide conflict that lasted for ten years.

Darth Lachris as the newly-appointed Governor of Balmorra.

During the conflict, Darth Lachris and her apprentice commanded Imperial forces on Balmorra under orders from the Dark Council. She took over as the local commander after killing her predecessor. This action spurred many Balmorrans to form a resistance against Lachris and her Imperial forces.

In 3643 BBY, as the Sith Empire had arrived on the world, Lachris made the decision to personally visit and travel to the Sundari flat land, the location of the Sith Empire's advanced command base. There, she learned that Grand Marshal Cheketta had dispatched Jedi reinforcements to aid the resistance. She ordered an Imperial strike team to disable the barricades at the Balmorran Arms Factory and find concrete evidence of the Republic's official involvement. After the Imperials successfully infiltrated the factory and defeated the Jedi Ralon Nys and his Tempest-squad commandos, Lachris sent them to confront the Grand Marshal. As the resistance's last members formed an army, Lachris tasked the Imperial strike team with crushing the remaining resistance. The mission was a success, and Darth Lachris gained control of the world.

Lachris uses Force lightning.

In the following year, Lachris succeeded in capturing Retheus Galthe, the Balmorran President, in an attempt to intimidate the Balmorran Resistance. However, it was at this point that Tai Cordan and Agent Zenith managed to infiltrate a weapons factory, where Lachris was thought to be holding the president. Lachris knew the Jedi were present and ensured that Galthe remained frozen in carbonite. In processing room 59, Lachris encountered the Barsen'thor, who allied with Zenith to end the Sith Lord's rule. During the battle, she deflected every blaster shot from Zenith and engaged Barsen'thor in a lightsaber duel. However, the Jedi Consular gained the advantage, and Lachris was severely wounded. With her final words spoken, Lachris succumbed to her injuries. Following the Sith Lord's demise, Tai Cordan was appointed as the new president of Balmorra.

Behind the scenes

Darth Lachris makes her initial appearance during the Balmorra bonus arc, where male Imperial characters can flirt with her, even having the option to kiss her after defeating Cheketta. Furthermore, Imperial players have the option to choose the light side path by speaking out while Lachris is strangling Governor Melchiro, thus saving the governor's life.

