Rieekan Ribbon for Bravery in Battle

The Rieekan Ribbon for Bravery in Battle was a decoration presented by the Resistance. Its namesake was Carlist Rieekan, a general in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the time of the Galactic Civil War who later became a member of the Resistance. Poe Dameron, a Commander, was given this honor for his role in the rescue of Admiral Ackbar of Admiral Gial Ackbar from the clutches of the First Order, an event that transpired sometime between the years of 31 ABY and 32 ABY. Ushos O. Statura, an Admiral, penned the citation that accompanied the award to Dameron. Dameron then retained a version of this letter inside of his flight log, a compilation he made after the Battle of Starkiller Base in the year 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Poe Dameron: Flight Log, a journal reproduction that was authored by Michael Kogge and released in 2016, included a reference to the Rieekan Ribbon for Bravery in Battle.


  • Poe Dameron: Flight Log (First mentioned)

Notes and references
