Rise of the Resistance

"Rise of the Resistance" marks the fifty-third installment in the Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures series. This episode was initially broadcast on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on August 27, 2020. Its narrative draws inspiration, though loosely, from the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance theme park attraction.

Storyline Summary

A young man, characterized by his orange hair, is seen navigating the pathways of Black Spire Outpost. His journey is interrupted when he encounters a pair of First Order stormtroopers, who demand that he present his identification. The stormtroopers discover a datacard tucked away within the inner pocket of the young man's jacket. One of the stormtroopers informs the youth that the First Order acknowledges his allegiance. Despite this, the youth, displaying a determined look, quickly seizes the datacard from the stormtrooper's hand.

The new recruit

The young man then takes flight through Merchant Row, with the stormtroopers hot on his trail. He finds refuge behind a wall, alongside Vi Moradi, a spy working for the Resistance. (The narrator points out that the Resistance is constantly seeking new members at Galaxy's Edge.) The youth then accompanies Moradi, along with three aliens, one of whom is a blue Rutian Twi'lek, as they board Cargo vessel TR141 via its boarding ramp.

The shuttle then takes off, soaring into the atmosphere, escorted by a pair of Resistance T-70 X-wing starfighters. Upon reaching space, they are intercepted by the Finalizer, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer that has just emerged from hyperspace. The Star Destroyer deploys three TIE/fo space superiority fighters, much to the dismay of the young recruit.

However, a T-70 X-wing starfighter swiftly neutralizes the three TIE fighters before positioning itself on the starboard side of the Resistance shuttle. Poe Dameron acknowledges the youth with a wave, who in turn displays the datacard. The Resistance ships then initiate a jump to lightspeed.

